SkyDemon Forums

SR/SS/ECET times for planned date vs. today

By mschmoelzer - 4/18/2018 7:30:02 AM


I recently‌‌ noticed that SkyDemon seems to show the SR/SS/twilight times only for the current date, not for the actual date for which the flight is planned.

I tested‌‌ this by planning a flight for today, then looking at the ECET value in the "SkyDemon Plate" which shows 1823Z for LOWG today (2018-04-18). Then I moved the flight two months into the future to 2018-06-18, where ECET will be at1936Z according to the AIP GEN 2.7 tables. However, SkyDemon still shows the values from April...

Is ‌‌there any way I can get these data for a flight planned a couple of weeks in the future, where the values will differ significantly?

Thanks ‌‌& best ‌regards
By Tim Dawson - 4/20/2018 3:19:54 PM

The SkyDemon Plate is not date sensitive, you are correct. However if you check the PLOG, I believe that will respect the dates you have entered.