SkyDemon Forums

Specify Device Slot

By PinkSkyvan - 4/6/2018 7:59:24 AM

Tim Dawson - 4/4/2018 12:17:57 PM
Did you try contacting the person referred to? They would presumably have been your account holder with us, and would have been briefed on how to manage your corporate licenses.

Hi Tim! Yes. I just wasn't presented the instructions provided by you (Skydemon), so I had to ask here.
But we have got everything sorted now. Th‌ank you very much for your quick support!

‌Greetings from LKKT
By PinkSkyvan - 4/4/2018 6:22:12 AM

Hello everybody!

We purchased four  licens‌es for our tablets, but  I cannot‌ get any of them activated. When using the appropriate login data a field saying: "You must specify a device slot as part of your login. If you are unsure how to do this, contact *Person McPerson" comes up.
Where do I specify a device slot and what is that even?

Maybe  somebody can come up with a solution for me, thank you very much in advance.