SkyDemon Forums

Jersey Gendec

By Tim Dawson - 7/3/2017 2:27:51 PM

I will point Carl, the owner of the OnlineGar website, at this thread.
By carlmeek - 7/3/2017 2:51:00 PM


I‌'m sorry you've had a problem - please could you email me some more details so that i can look into it?  My email is

P‌lease send me the email address of your account, and the details of which flight you are referring to.  Also, if you have it, attach the Jersey GENDEC.

I‌ will investigate and report back to you.‌

By alun - 6/29/2017 11:06:52 AM


‌Firstly - love skydemon.  Fantastic product. 

‌I‌ got pulled up last weekend by Jersey Customs because address info was not getting pulled through on the gendecs.  Is it possible to add this population on the Jersey forms?  thanks

I‌ also get a script error (but then completes anyway) when using the Add multiple people option on the OnlineGar interface.  

M‌any thanks