SkyDemon Forums


By Steve8776 - 6/8/2017 1:02:28 PM

Whilst Skydemon allows for aternatives it would be useful to be able to plan primary I.e via zone transit and secondary if transit isn't approved allowing to switch to the secondary routing quickly.

Also when reversing a route, remove the alternative airfield.
By Tim Dawson - 6/28/2017 2:44:48 PM

Not necessarily; NOTAM are downloaded for flight information regions your planned route passes through, and also regions you have looked at recently on the map.

For such a massive diversion (through different countries) there is a chan‌‌ce SkyDemon wouldn't have the NOTAMs. That would be obvious, though, as you'd get either an empty list or a warning that the NOTAM were out of date.