By Thomas Leaver - 6/3/2017 5:12:32 PM
I have Garmin GLO in Bluetooth connection with iPad mini and after "connecting to device" window closes, I get "the connection to your gps has been lost" with the default "ok" to close window. I have latest update of SkyDemon and iPad and have had a year of reliable use using GLO with SkyDemon but can't seem to get it to work now. Help, anyone? Also tried with android and get same set of messages. The Bluetooth connectivity is confirmed and the GLO indicates satellite capture (steady green) so am at a loss as to what is wrong.
By nkt2000 - 7/25/2017 10:39:28 AM
Just an update: I just could not get my xgps150 to provide data to Skydemon even though it was showing on two different position data apps. Eventually gave up and was contemplation buying a Pilotaware device instead. However, next flight and everything worked fine. The only thing I had not done whilst trying to sort this out was reboot the iPad mini. Did that before next flight and, hey presto, everything working again. As the gps was providing data to the iPad but not to skydemon, I suspect that a glitch had got in somewhen that cleared itself by a reboot. Wish I had thought of that during the original flight.