By UKflyer - 4/29/2017 5:46:48 PM
Hello all,
I'm having a slight issue with Skydemon on my Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 running Android. Whilst navigating the chart turns blue and doesn't change until the chart moves. I've deleted all unneeded Maps, routes etc. I've deleted the app and reinstalled it and updated the map, still no change. Ive also deleted all unused apps and uneeded files etc of the tablet too.
Has anyone come across this or know of a solution?
Thanks for the help.
By Tim Dawson - 5/19/2017 9:34:03 AM
Absolutely not, I'm afraid. The person who will need to do the development and debugging work with it is me, and I'm about to go on holiday, my first for a long while. As soon as I get back we will be preparing for Aero Expo, which will have us all busy until we're back in the office on Monday 5th June.
Best to delay posting it for the time being, or if you've already posted it, get Hannah at the office to send it straight back.