SkyDemon Forums

Cannot Change Planned Level

By buchke - 3/14/2017 11:31:17 PM

I have planned a route using my default aircraft whose default level is 2000 feet. Also, within the flight details for the route, the level is set at 2000 feet. However, the virtual radar has every leg at 3000 feet, as is also displayed if I hover over any leg on the map.

This is annoying as I want to see, graphically, on the virtual radar the difference between my planned level and the terrain and at the moment it is showing a larger gap than would be the case as it is assuming 3000 feet. I have modified the de‌‌fault level on the plane and also on the flight details in an attempt to get it to reload the level.

I know I could pull down every leg on the virtual radar but that would be a pain...


By buchke - 3/16/2017 3:36:27 PM

Hmm, don't remember setting the altitude on each leg but thanks for the "use route level" tip - that's done it.
