SkyDemon Forums

Traffic Verbal Advice

By mbenoit - 5/10/2017 7:28:26 PM

Paul_Sengupta - 4/15/2017 11:34:30 AM
mbenoit - 3/15/2017 6:12:10 AM
if I connect the Ipad to the Intercom, sound quality moved to very poor level

Have you tried using a ground loop isolater?

Good idea... and bring my though toward an other solution: connecting pilot aware audio output to a bluetooth transceiver (30USD), power supplied from the spare USB port. Then, I have linked Pilot aware with my A20 Bose headset. Tried it today and great sound now! Thanks...
By the_doc - 2/2/2017 11:04:38 PM

What about adding verbal traffic advice??

Many of us are feeding traffic information into SkyDemon now. The solution I use already provides verbal advice to help keep you looking out rather than having to keep a close eye on the navigation screen before looking out for traffic.

The issues with that are that the audio quality of the traffic device is not so good (sadly), and it is another device feeding into the intercom / headset.

It would be a much neater solution if all my warnings, and verbal advices came from a single source, SkyDemon itself. Also coming from SkyDemon on the iPad I use, the audio will be far better quality, cleaner and no hiss.

It could be selectable on and off, along with other warnings, and even configurable as to units of distance described (e.g miles versus km etc.)