SkyDemon Forums

GPS Format for Waypoint Entry

By HeliBoy55 - 12/10/2016 5:35:23 PM

Under Setup/Change Units, you can change the units of Position between:
- Degrees Minutes Seconds
- Degrees Minutes
- Degrees
I wish to use the standard format of degrees with decimalised minutes (example N 51°35.30') however if choosing "Degrees Minutes" it still shows seconds in the waypoint details.
How can you enter this correctly?‌‌
By HeliBoy55 - 8/16/2018 5:13:45 PM

Thanks, that works.  I've been deleting the spaces, but keeping too closely to the format noted in the input window of "

NddmmssWdddmmss".  I now see if I put a decimal point after the minutes it works just the same.  

So entering either N503429 W0011751 or N5034.497 W00117.862 gets you the same waypoint location.