SkyDemon Forums

link to SUP-AIP

By guille - 4/29/2016 1:38:02 PM

In some cases, within the NOTAM'S informations, there is a direct indication on the map concerning a transitory restricted zone, in others there is only the reference to the sup-aip. An exemple of the first case is the zrt located NE of Cognac, when you click on the icon, the zone appears on the map. In the NOTAM, it appears RA(T)activated On the other case, near Royan, the information is LFCY RA (T) activated, and there is a reference to the sup-aip. The user has to go to the SIA site, and search the sup-aip. Suggestion: could you represent it on the map, as in the first case? If it is too complicated, a second best solution could be just a link to the sup-aip. In this case the link is
This link can save the time for the user for finding the information in the SIA web site. Of course the first solution is better because one can see the zone directly on SD map. And the zones indicated in the SUP_2016_042 can be activated almost all the time (from the 31st March to the 9th November in this case).
I add one more comment, in the SD map appears the zone LFCY RA(T)  as a circle that covers the real zones, but the one with vertical limits to FL115 is only a small cylinder of 1NM radius. The second one, a polygon, has vertical limits from FL115 to FL 135 ans it overlaps the small one.
By egir - 10/10/2016 4:47:36 PM

Thanks JanR, that's what I was looking for !