SkyDemon Forums

FONT...size on PC (Version for PC) HELP! my font size has shrunk -(

By Biggles - 3/8/2016 7:41:54 PM

I notice in the manual that font size can be adjusted on other devices, but this is not enabled for PC and my font size has suddenly got smaller for no apparent reason. While the map scales up or down, the font remains the same size so this feature would be really handy on the PC version - right now my font is frustratingly small - both the menus and the map labels.
Any way I can do this while we wait (hopefully) for the SD team to enable font size change on PC?

By Tim Dawson - 5/6/2016 9:35:54 AM

I suspect the problem you posted about is slightly different, but I'm very glad the new text size feature helped anyway.