SkyDemon Forums

Map orientation

By tnowak - 1/16/2016 6:20:04 PM

Version on Samsung Galaxy S3

Went flying today and tried the new feature of changing the map orientation.
It switched to the different orientation okay but when I went back to "North Up" (close to my destination) it displayed the map outline in the correct sense (north up) but all the map infill text and labels were upside down. This was quite confusing!

I had to cycle through the map "orientation" options a few times to get the map to display properly.
Tony Nowak
By Tim Dawson - 1/25/2016 11:07:28 AM

Thanks. We will keep an eye on this but it does not seem to be a very common issue, and we suspect it's always resolved with a quick pan of the map or the next time the map redraws.