SkyDemon Forums

Display Track on satellite map view??

By davidhenderson - 12/27/2015 5:45:26 PM

First 'play' with SkyDemon! (Christmas present) It's quite a step up for me from a Chinagraph, Quarter Mill Topo,  Ruler, Douglas Protractor, Piece of String, a Whizz Wheel and Mark1 Eyeball.
It looks pretty good so far.
Is it possible to display/superimpose the tracks entered on the SkyDemon charts onto the satellite view? I couldn't find a way of doing this.
Thanks for any help or ideas
By Sky Painter - 1/11/2016 8:07:01 PM


I take your point. I can see that it would be quite useful for planning purposes. Furthermore, a toggle between QDM and QDR would be useful.

As an aside, I would also like the Track Waypoint function to have a QDM/QDR toggle.