SkyDemon Forums

Skydemon desktop icon on Android

By Baron von Mildred - 12/4/2015 4:02:20 PM

I installed Skydemon on my Asus T700 Transformer. Initially there was an icon on the desktop. When I upgraded to a later version through Google Play it removed the icon from the desktop. Now I can only launch Skydemon from within my account at Google Play. This is a problem because it only shows my downloaded apps when there is an active internet connection. If there is no internet, I can't launch Skydemon. Does anyone know how I can restore an icon to the desktop in Android?

Otherwise, this is  a nice tablet to run Skydemon, with a large, bright screen.
By Baron von Mildred - 12/7/2015 8:22:17 PM

Yeah, I hadn't even noticed that button. Great. Thanks.