By resca - 1/19/2015 5:14:29 PM
Due to very tricky names of our VRP's, ENAC/ENAV finally decided to assign a "Code Designator", something very similar to IFR Intersection names. They are composed by the last 2 letters of the Aerodrome ID and the 3 "cardinal" designators, like E, W1, SE2, etc. So, fo instance, in Parma CTR we no longer have to use "San't Ilario d'Enza" but a simple MPSE1. I just tried to see if SkyDemon is updated to this new (and efficient) naming, but it isn't. I just checked the on-line version and I see the long (and hard to insert in a flight plan) names. For comparison, I also loaded the France cartograpy, and I see that you use BOTH the ID's. For instance, near NICE Airport, the VRP "Sud Musee Oceanographique Monaco", is named "EC" (I would prefer MNEC, while the airporti is LFMN). I attach the present AIP pages in which you can see the new names and I would like your opinion about the use of them or bothm or an option to choose. I would also add that the "new" 5 letter ID is what is used by Jeppesen and what is loadable in the panel-mount GPS's, due to the 5 letter limitation. With the present naming, SkyDemon is basically unuasbale for people with also one (or two...) panel-mount GPS!
By Tim Dawson - 1/21/2015 12:08:58 PM
We've actually already done this work, and in the imminent 3.2.1 release you will see both the designator and long name (in brackets) for Italian VRPs.