SkyDemon Forums

skydemon logo blocks Ground Speed on my nexus in horizontal mode

By toneee1 - 11/3/2014 7:08:41 PM

Hi Tim and All

just flown tonightwith my nexus 7

for some reasonthe skydemon logo in "flying mode"

now blocks myground speed (indicator on the vertical bars/GS/DIST END/ETE NXT/ALT/TRK/WINDetc)


any way of makingthis logo smaller or moving the "bars" down

if i use the nexus vertically no probs , but i can’tdo this in my a/c without blocking other instruments/controls

android v3.1.1.25964


By Tim Dawson - 11/5/2014 5:14:59 PM

Hmm, I hadn't noticed that the instruments being displayed were actually the planning-only instruments. I will look to see what might be making them reappear.