By Tristan Marchent - 10/3/2014 11:23:25 AM
Hi Guys,
Newbie to Skydemon here and I fly the PA28. Flying to Southend from Kemble on Sunday for a currency checkflight and this will be the first time I have used Skydemon properly. Hope it goes well!
I was taught when learning that 7 USG/Hour was a good ballpark figure for the PA28-161. But now we have consumption for taxi/takeoff, climb, cruise, descent and landing. So therefore, I just want to revisit this ball park figure that I was taught and break this down so my figures are correct in Skydemon. I also want to start using Litres as 'the speak' now, not US Gal. 35Ltrs/Hour sound about the same?
The hourly cost of the PA28 I fly is £125.00. And I aim for about 95 IAS in the cruise, but obviously I know you have have 75% power, 65% Power, 55% Power etc etc. I would ideally like to have all these cruise profiles in there so I can choose the best one.
Many thanks,
By Tim Dawson - 10/3/2014 2:54:09 PM
Every PA28 is different. You need to take the existing PA28 model as a base and then customise it as much as necessary to reflect the specific model you fly. If you have specific questions about how to use the aircraft editor please feel free to ask them.