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Extra instruments screen displaying basic flight intruments based on GPS

Extra instruments screen displaying basic flight intruments based on...
Henny Joosten
Henny Joosten
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 48, Visits: 349
Hello Tim and other members,

Let me start to make again the compliments about your software; it's excelent!

My idea was to have an extra instrument panel build in with the possibility to display the basic instruments based on the gps info.

We used this option often on the Garmin display and it's in case of emergengy an alternative safety.

What do you think about this item?

Kind regards
Edited 8/8/2012 7:03:34 AM by Hendrik
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Group: Moderators
Posts: 593, Visits: 4.9K
Aren't fake instruments more a gimmick than a safety feature?

Any speed indicator will be groundspeed and not airspeed: Useless
Any attitude indicator will be based on accelerometers: Downright dangerous
Henny Joosten
Henny Joosten
Too Much Forum (8.8K reputation)Too Much Forum (8.8K reputation)Too Much Forum (8.8K reputation)Too Much Forum (8.8K reputation)Too Much Forum (8.8K reputation)Too Much Forum (8.8K reputation)Too Much Forum (8.8K reputation)Too Much Forum (8.8K reputation)Too Much Forum (8.8K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 48, Visits: 349
I can understand this. Safety first. The real instruments that's where you fly on. But like the Garmin 696 it provides you with very accurate info. So its no more then a suggestion but possible to realize.



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