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Having started this topic before I had even tried SD in anger, I can now post with some experience under my belt!
First of all I love the product. As an avid and long time user of Foreflight when flying in the US, I always felt we were being shortchanged in Europe that no one in the aviation software business was providing anything remotely similar so Kudos to Tim and the team for bringing us SD and getting to the current level of utility.
However, it is clearly still a VFR only product and that's all it claims to be so I don't have a problem with that. Having read the various posts above, I agree there are IFR features included in SD such as IFR Intersections and you could use the software for when flying under the UK IMC rating since you are not usually flying in the "IFR System". However, airways are only depicted by way of the airspace they occupy. There is no indication on airways that are one-way only (yes, some airways can only be used in one direction), there are no indications of minimum en-route alitutudes or reception altitudes or crossing altitudes or VOR radials....
I could go on but don't want to bore!
If you tried to mix in with IFR traffic using the information in SD, you could find yourself in trouble. It's a great VFR tool and useful for additional IFR awareness but should not be used as a primary IFR planning or flight tool.
If EASA ever deliver the promised "PPL IFR" rating, there may be enough demand for IFR features for it to make sense for SD to do the development work.
I came a cross an email exchange I had with Tim back in April 2010 when I asked if he would consider developing an iPad version. His succinct reply was "No, we will not" Clearly he can be swayed!