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Separate iPad Section Within Forum?

pink leader
pink leader
Too Much Forum (50K reputation)Too Much Forum (50K reputation)Too Much Forum (50K reputation)Too Much Forum (50K reputation)Too Much Forum (50K reputation)Too Much Forum (50K reputation)Too Much Forum (50K reputation)Too Much Forum (50K reputation)Too Much Forum (50K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 518, Visits: 2K
I agree too and also ipad implementation of the forum is even worse. Impossible to see latest posts and go direct to them. Realise this is a function of the software behind the forum.

Eric Spencer
Eric Spencer
Too Much Forum (448 reputation)Too Much Forum (448 reputation)Too Much Forum (448 reputation)Too Much Forum (448 reputation)Too Much Forum (448 reputation)Too Much Forum (448 reputation)Too Much Forum (448 reputation)Too Much Forum (448 reputation)Too Much Forum (448 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 28
Certainly an iPad section would be very useful to non Apple people who find some of the procedures somewhat confusing.

Tips on how to do various tricks etc would be very welcome to such as myself. I got my iPad about 2 weeks ago and have managed to get SD loaded and working. But how do I get the log files out of the system so that I can post elsewhere and why don't disused airfields show on the chart (they do on the 'Virtual radar' section?


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