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Chart Manager - in Chart - Load/Unload Charts - which charts are loaded, and when are they activated...

Guido Peterzelka
Guido Peterzelka
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8, Visits: 46
Dear Tim,

On the SkyDemon MD, when calling up the menu point Chart - Load/Unload Charts, the Chart Manager comes up.

This displays a number of charts (five), some of which are marked "Auto Loaded" (three), others "Not Loaded" (two). Memory Status says: "65mb / 115mb free". There aren't any further charts below (no scrolling).

I do understand that during the sync process with SkyDemon Plan on the PC, the charts that are selected there will be transferred to the MD. But not in their entirety, at least not visibly on the MD. I have a larger selection of charts loaded on the PC installation of SkyDemon, but a smaller number of charts are displayed in the Chart Manager on the MD - why is that ?

Also, when e.g. planning a trip from ELLX to LOIJ on SkyDemon Plan on the PC, and subsequent sync with the MD, the chart of Austria will not be seen - not as an actual map when panning down to Austria, nor on the Chart Manager.

Are there charts stored on the MD without them being listed on the Chart Manager ?

Why wouldn't the chart load when panning down to the destination airfield ?

Will the Austrian chart will auto-load en-route ? How do I know the chart is installed in the MD when it doesn't show in the Chart Manager, nor is displayed when panning ?

Thanks for providing some insight.

Very best regards,

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Group: Administrators
Posts: 48, Visits: 212
The documentation covers management of the charts on your device. You need to use the functionaly within SkyDemon Plan to choose which charts are installed on your device, and your device will load them enroute as required.

In Plan, go to Setup -> Device Connectivity to get started.

Guido Peterzelka
Guido Peterzelka
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8, Visits: 46
Thanks Admin*,

Indeed I was intuitively looking in the Charts menu, not in the Setup-Device Connectivity Options menu. Resolved now, thank you for your support !

Very best,


PS: * nicer to have a name to a post rather than anonymous descriptors.... Smile

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