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Weather Animation slider (ver change)

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 4, Visits: 71
Am a huge fan of SD, wonderful steady enhancement of featuures over time.  BUT for the fist time ever I find the latest version change re. weather animation is not helping.  I've got the hang of the 'in the air' bottom slider manipulation PC or iOS, but I just cannot see why the whole change has been made. Before, one could also adjust before and after flight time windows and take advantage of date that sometimes went beyong 1 hr out. The magenta 'present time' mark was really helpful, now it's far harder mentally to note the moving time on the new bottom animation area.  Maybe I am missing something, but right now I'd love to have this animation feature just as it was before ! 

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 43, Visits: 0
Briseham - 10/5/2022 9:58:50 AM
Am a huge fan of SD, wonderful steady enhancement of featuures over time.  BUT for the fist time ever I find the latest version change re. weather animation is not helping.  I've got the hang of the 'in the air' bottom slider manipulation PC or iOS, but I just cannot see why the whole change has been made. Before, one could also adjust before and after flight time windows and take advantage of date that sometimes went beyong 1 hr out. The magenta 'present time' mark was really helpful, now it's far harder mentally to note the moving time on the new bottom animation area.  Maybe I am missing something, but right now I'd love to have this animation feature just as it was before ! 

By pausing the animation and click 'n hold the yellow market on top of the time indication, you can pretty  much do the same. This also opens for times outside the animated window. Maybe that helps. 

I personally think it a good change, but not a feature I use much, so don't really care, as I rely on other weather tools and does not use SD for weather planning, other than METAR/TAF.


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