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Sky Echo 2 flight plan settings

Al Evans
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What are the correct settings here for ADSB with Sky Echo 2?

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Al Evans - 5/3/2021 3:49:05 PM

What are the correct settings here for ADSB with Sky Echo 2?


Personally, I wouldn't use any setting, as SE2 is not (yet, possibly) broadcasting to a fully certified standard while SDA has to be set to 0 in the UK. 

As it is not approved for use in transmit mode outside of the UK (and Australia), it's of litle use putting it on an international flight plan as a) no-one in an official capacity will see an SE2 and b) ATS aren't interested in you being able to receive through it.

Al Evans
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grahamb - 5/3/2021 4:33:56 PM
Al Evans - 5/3/2021 3:49:05 PM

What are the correct settings here for ADSB with Sky Echo 2?


Personally, I wouldn't use any setting, as SE2 is not (yet, possibly) broadcasting to a fully certified standard while SDA has to be set to 0 in the UK. 

As it is not approved for use in transmit mode outside of the UK (and Australia), it's of litle use putting it on an international flight plan as a) no-one in an official capacity will see an SE2 and b) ATS aren't interested in you being able to receive through it.

This was for a domestic flightplan and there are certain UK units that use ADS-B data, Barton being one.  Also SDA for Sky Echo 2 is now 1.

Edited 5/3/2021 5:15:59 PM by Al Evans
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Al Evans - 5/3/2021 5:06:17 PM
grahamb - 5/3/2021 4:33:56 PM
Al Evans - 5/3/2021 3:49:05 PM

What are the correct settings here for ADSB with Sky Echo 2?


Personally, I wouldn't use any setting, as SE2 is not (yet, possibly) broadcasting to a fully certified standard while SDA has to be set to 0 in the UK. 

As it is not approved for use in transmit mode outside of the UK (and Australia), it's of litle use putting it on an international flight plan as a) no-one in an official capacity will see an SE2 and b) ATS aren't interested in you being able to receive through it.

This was for a domestic flightplan and there are certain UK units that use ADS-B data, Barton being one.  Also SDA for Sky Echo 2 is now 1.

Firstly, I really don’t think Barton are going to be trawling through the minutiae of your flight plan to see whether you are going to be transmitting ADSB-out on their way to them. They’ll either see you on their display or not. 

Secondly, you are correct that SE2 transmits SIL = 1. But that is only half the story; SDA is the other parameter which makes you visible to advanced TCAS and ATC; that is not currently set to 1 in the UK. 

At the end of the day, AFAIAA, the FPL equipment codes are intended for installed equipment; you wouldn’t tick the GNSS flag because you’ve got an iPhone running SD velcroed to the coaming. 

Edited 5/3/2021 5:52:30 PM by grahamb

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