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iOS 12 Supported?

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plume_tray - 10/2/2018 7:56:13 PM
Looking good so far. Just updated SD with the latest version 3.10.5 on my iPhone 7 (iOS 12) - planning mode is much better now, will keep an eye on it over the next few days. Well done SD team. Thanks SmileI’m not brave enough to update my iPad to iOS 12 just yet - will let the dust settle for a few weeks. I’ve learnt my lesson.

I flew today with iOS12 on iPhone 6S and the latest SD update. All well for an hour!
The SD link was very solid, not one 'drop'.

Gerry Holland
White Ox Mead Airstrip, Near Bath, Somerset
Peter Robertson
Peter Robertson
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I finally got an ‘Update to iOS12’ notification yesterday on my iPad Mini 3, so as the new SD update containing the ‘fix’ is also on the App Store, I decided to update both today and go flying... iOS to iOS12.0 and SD to version, with data from PilotAware.

Happy to report that everything appears to be working fine - at least over 2 x 30 minute flights.


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I am running the latest version of Sky Demon (with the IOS 12 fix) on my iPad mini 4 cellular - IOS 12.

I noticed today during a flight that the SkyDemon DI is slow to update and appears to only update every 2-3 seconds.
I am sure it updated more fluidly previously. During the flight, the DI was minimised and not expanded out into the fully circular HSI.
When I returned home, I tried it out on simulation mode and found that it does the same, when I pull out the minimised DI into the fully circular HSI, it appears to update more fluidly than when it is minimised.

Is this normal?

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Like DanJonesUK I flew today for the first time since I updated my iPad mini 2 to ios12 and with the latest SD release. On both the outbound and return legs of the flight all worked fine for about 30 minutes, the app then became initially laggy and over a further 5 mins slowed further until it became unusable. I rebooted the iPad and the cycle repeated.

I note that the latest SD version says it fixes the ios12 problems but in my case this is not the case. I’m a fairly new SD user having recently converted from using a Garmin 695 (which is frustratingly difficult to plan on but I must say was always 100% reliable!) so grateful of any advice. Lesson 1 perhaps is to put the iPad under config management and not update the firmware until proven!

Best regards,
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Tim, you have SkyDemon 3.10.4. You need to update your SkyDemon to 3.10.5.
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Hi Tim,
I am running SkyDemon
The Map lagging has gone, but the DI is laggy when minimised, it was updating every 3 seconds in flight yesterday, it seemed to update quicker than this previous.

Running on an IPad Mini 4 Cell, no external devices IOS 12.
Updated to IOS 12.0.1 this morning and it’s still the same.

Could the previous issue with the maps also impact the refresh of the DI? It does this both in real flight using the GPS and simulation mode.

Edited 10/11/2018 11:36:41 AM by DanJonesUK
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Tim Dawson - 10/11/2018 11:09:39 AM
Tim, you have SkyDemon 3.10.4. You need to update your SkyDemon to 3.10.5.

Tim (and Dan), thank you both for your prompt replies.  Seems I made a newbie error in that I have been regularly accepting the chart updates but didnt realise that I had to go back to the App Store to manually load the SD updates.  So, in fact, I was running No wonder perhaps that I was experiencing problems once I'd loaded iOS12.   For interest Dan I'm using an iPad Mini 2 Cellular 128MB.

Weather permitting I'll be flying again next Wednesday and I'll gladly give feedback on any DI lag issues if I experience them.

Cheers again,


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