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W&B Lever arms Evektor Sportstar

Alexandre FILITTI
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Posts: 1, Visits: 0
Hello everyone, 

‌I'm looking for a profile for an Evektor Sportar LSA. I'm flying the EFIS version with a Dynon Skyview 10" and a Dynon Skyview 7".
‌Actually I tried to create the profile but I couldn't do the W&B part. I only have MOMENTS whereas LEVER ARMS are required...

‌It would be fantastic if someone could help me! Smile
‌Thank you very much.
Tony N
Tony N
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Posts: 338, Visits: 2.4K
I can't help with your specific aircraft but your aircraft's documentation should include the weight and balance schedule and C of G / loading information.
Otherwise a tape measure and simple arithmetic required!
Tony Nowak‌‌

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Posts: 14, Visits: 46
aafilitti - 11/15/2016 9:18:43 PM
Hello everyone, 

‌I'm looking for a profile for an Evektor Sportar LSA. I'm flying the EFIS version with a Dynon Skyview 10" and a Dynon Skyview 7".
‌Actually I tried to create the profile but I couldn't do the W&B part. I only have MOMENTS whereas LEVER ARMS are required...

‌It would be fantastic if someone could help me! Smile
‌Thank you very much.

‌I would definitely have a look in your POH as these will all be stated under the weight & balance section however if you need to work them out for whatever reason the MOMENT is calculated by multiplying WEIGHT by LEVER ARM so in theory if you know the moment for a given weight you can divide the two to get the lever arm, just be careful with units.

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