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Mac OS El Capitan and SD 3.1.0.dmg

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Thanks for the Wine Installer, mucho appreciated!

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Great, thanks, it works a treat!
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Like others can't update charts, tried deleting contents or charts folder but no joy. any suggestions, Yosemite 10.10.5. Mac Mini.
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Roger9810 (11/15/2015)
Like others can't update charts, tried deleting contents or charts folder but no joy. any suggestions, Yosemite 10.10.5. Mac Mini.

I'm aware of one other person reporting this problem - and for them it appeared to possible to work around the issue by downloading the charts one at a time.
A alternative possible work-around could be to manually download the UK charts from and copying this file to Documents/SkyDemon/Charts/uk-6.skydata

Unfortunately I don't why some people are having this difficulty - other than usual generic advice of 'turn it off and turn it back on again' - I'm not sure what to suggest. (You could perhaps try temporarily disabling any web filtering or anti-virus software you have installed just to check it is not that causing an issue - albeit that clearly isn't a desirable long term solution).

Edited 11/15/2015 2:25:27 PM by rikur
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Posts: 10, Visits: 185
Thanks for that, unfortunately the link to the charts doesn't work, returns file not found error. My setup is that the applications folder is on one disc ( solid state) with the system files etc and the documents folder on the other HD. Do you think this could be a problem?
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oops, sorry, there was a typo in the link - now corrected

I did have problems on a Windows machine where it hung downloading the charts, and the reason was because the Documents folder wasn't a folder, but was a junction point (i.e. the NTFS equivalent of a symbolic link).  If you are using symbolic links to redirect your Documents folder this *may* be the cause?

In Documents/SkyDemon/ is there a debug.log ?

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Thanks for the MAC development!

It looks like I have the same problem. I'm unable to to update the charts. The wheel keeps on spinning forever.
I checked in the Documents directory and found the SkyDemon/Charts directory that contained the charts I downloaded using the previous version. Tried to delete everything but no change.

When I try to cancel the download of the charts I get an Unhandled exception (not sure if this helps).

My setup is as follows OSX 10.9.5.

Can you help?


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Posts: 132, Visits: 632
I think I have solved the chart download problem
Can you download the application again and reinstall it, give it a try, and let me know.
Edited 11/30/2015 11:38:14 AM by rikur
Oliver Voigt
Oliver Voigt
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Es tut uns leid, will not work. Copy and paste Great Britain map works fine..

@Skydemon Team...Was there a possibility to copy all maps?

Thanks in advance

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Sorry, still not ok.

I did however found something. I have Parallels installed on my PC running the windows version of Skydemon and I found both versions are downloading their charts into the same directory. The windows version works ok.

I took care that Parallels is not running while doing the trials on the mac version.

Any other ideas? Anything you want me to try?


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