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Insert notification points in legs

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 23, Visits: 7
Would it be possible to enter multiple notification points in a leg, like
- Time or distance from/to waypoint.

To notify the pilot of things like
- Turn camera on or off
- Close flightplan.
- Call xyz
- Remember xyz at this point.

Any kind of private notification thinkable.
Maybe with private sound to distinguish between private and system notifications.

If someone inserts a waypoint in between, make this waypoint the one to the desired time/distance.
Move the notification point with the leg.
Use time/distance all around the waypoint, approaching/departing any direction.

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 47, Visits: 149
How does a  reminder fit with the basic principle of pilots being mentally in front of the aircraft?
Adam Erchegyi
Adam Erchegyi
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Posts: 96, Visits: 2.3K
BJS - 3/17/2022 8:00:32 AM
How does a  reminder fit with the basic principle of pilots being mentally in front of the aircraft?


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Posts: 3, Visits: 1
I support this proposal, for me it’s more a question of confort and sometime security.
But, maybe to simplify the implementation just adding a message possibility in a waypoint or turning point screen. The message would be display when we are at a certain distance (DST NXT).

Too Much Forum (733 reputation)Too Much Forum (733 reputation)Too Much Forum (733 reputation)Too Much Forum (733 reputation)Too Much Forum (733 reputation)Too Much Forum (733 reputation)Too Much Forum (733 reputation)Too Much Forum (733 reputation)Too Much Forum (733 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 72, Visits: 757
BJS - 3/17/2022 8:00:32 AM
How does a  reminder fit with the basic principle of pilots being mentally in front of the aircraft?

It would be a second layer of security in case if pilot gets distracted by something and forget what he wanted to do around that time/place.


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