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takeoff distance calculator

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 570, Visits: 27K
I think we’d all agree that one should use POH data wherever possible. One of the practical difficulties involved in trying to create a universal performance calculator is the variability of detail and presentation of such data across different aircraft types. Some POH use graphs, some use tables. Some include factors such as runway surface, some don’t. Where such factors are missing in the POH data, it’s then a matter of judgement what to use. 

In the UK there is a CAA recommended set of unsophisticated factors to apply to a basic MAUW/hard runway/sea level/standard iSA day figure. Should SD use that, or try and create a framework that can incorporate the more sophisticated nuanced data from a different individual POH styles? What are the implications for SD if its chosen method produced a result which differed from the POH derived value, and an accident ensued?

I can fully understand Tim’s reluctance to embrace this. Navigation calculations produce the same result for the same basic input data for any aircraft type. The same is not necessarily true for aircraft performance.where the factors are much more complex and nuanced.

My advice to those that hanker for such a tool is to create on for yourself in the spreadsheet app of your choice, using the data for your individual example of its type, using the POH data and any other factors according to your local regulators recommendations, and finally apply a healthy dose of good judgement on the day. 

Edited 7/19/2020 7:05:25 AM by grahamb
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 9, Visits: 18
I can fully understand the reluctance to incorporate a calculator due to the given reasons. This is the one thing I always do by hand with the use of the POH when flying to an airfield where this could be critical (short runway, hot & high, etc.). The problem I have is where to put this manually calculated number. It would be great if SD would at least have a text field where we could manually enter the calculated TO / LDG distance so it is logged / printed in our pilot log.

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