SkyDemon Forums

Dangerous error French VALPO Waypoint Wrong coordinates

By C82R - 6/30/2013 10:55:02 AM

Valpo official coordinates 48° 50’ 05.1" N - 003° 07’ 17.8" E (

VALPO is shown on the Skydemon map where it should be

But on PLOG the VALPO coordinates are shown as being N48°36'0" E3°0'0"
This is dangerous because the wrong VALPO is not far enough from the right VALPO to make the error obvious.

I Use Skydemon 2.7
By Tim Dawson - 7/10/2013 2:49:53 PM

I do not understand this enquiry. As you say, the VALPO waypoint is defined correctly in our charts. The PLOG does not show coordinates unless the "Show Position" option is turned on, and when it is, the position is given correctly. Please could you describe in more detail the situation where you believe incorrect coordinates are being shown?