SkyDemon Forums

Official German enroute charts

By BluSKai - 5/30/2013 1:00:16 AM

Hi guys,

I am trialling (does that word even exist BigGrin) SkyDemon and am quite impressed with the program. My question, though is:
are you planning to integrate the official German enroute charts with all their detail? That would be a great possible download. As far as my research goes, DFS should have them available (I think AirNav uses them, too). Many thanks in advance for your answer.

Kind regards,

By Tim Dawson - 6/6/2013 1:26:42 PM

As the other poster noted, the key to SkyDemon's success is the clarity of its charts. We know that some pilots want the greater topographical detail available in specialized ICAO charts, and that's fine, there are many apps out there (cheap too) which are designed to show specialized printed charts onscreen around an airfield symbol. We will not be adding these charts to SkyDemon though.