SkyDemon Forums

French chart data missing

By ahillyer - 3/21/2013 7:57:33 PM


in the 2013 France south-east VFR chart, there is a new visual reporting point and a new restricted area, both south of Marseille, both of which are missing from the new SkyDemon French chart.

The VRP is 'SR' (Ile de Riou) and forms part of the coastal-transit. The restricted area is denoted as a 'national park' called "Les Calanques" and has an overflight height of 3,300 feet. Shame the VFR transit route goes right through it at 1,650 feet. Smile


By Tim Dawson - 3/26/2013 12:33:25 PM

In that case, unfortunately that data is not provided in the AIP and we therefore cannot depict them on SkyDemon charts at present.