SkyDemon Forums

Runway Approach Direction Wrong On iPad

By nwhite007 - 1/3/2013 8:18:36 PM

Hi the last couple of times I have flown using SD I have had an issue with the runway approach direction showing as the wrong direction. My home airfield is Bournemouth with runways 26 and 08. I flew last Sunday, just a local flight but on return to Bournemouth SD was showing the approach for 08 when the runway in use was 26, this confirmed by ATC and the wind being 256 degrees at 15kts. I have also noticed this happening when approaching Compton Abbas Airfield, again the runway designators are 08 and 26, coincidence? I thought it was possibly just a blip but it seems to be a frequent occurrence. Testing it again at 20:05 this evening I put a course in from Bmth to Compton select go flying, satellite signal received, aircraft symbol nice and blue but again the approach direction is showing 08 at Compton, latest weather, the winds are currently 266 degrees at 17kts, could make for an interesting landing!! Please could someone possibly take a look at this issue as if it is a software flaw it could be potentially very dangerous.

Many Thanks
By Tim Dawson - 1/15/2013 12:42:50 PM

There is no way SkyDemon can possibly know which runway ATC have designated as in use. Unless you have explicitly nominated a landing runway, SkyDemon shows you the extended centreline for the runway end you're most closely aligned with.