By gtino - 11/17/2012 10:26:05 PM
Unsure if this is how to post feature requests but some ideas (some may be repeats, sorry):
- Town names should appear above lines - at the moment names are hidden beneath routes. Would be better for text to be on top. - Split screen - a panel concept would be nice, especially on the larger ipad. It would be nice to have map, plog, instruments, approach info, etc on an adaptable and customisable canvas. Also, panels for different phases of flight would be useful - en-route might have frequencies, approach might show georeferenced plates or approach info - all changeable via some simple buttos. - Sometimes the lack of positive context on the virtual radar can be concerning and require cross checking with maps, especially in a rapid climb where it doesn't seem to update or show much above current altitude. It might be worth having something like keep clear of class of airspace and a tolerance for how close one can be vertically vertically and hprizontally. For example, my threshold might be clear of CAS by 300ft vertically. A warning would sound when i breach that threshold or would do within n minutes based on trajectory. This could be doe by taking the first inch of the virtul radar and having a simple view of altitude of CAS above current point. - When some data items expire a large box appears, might be nice to have an option for 'silent errors'. - The scratch pad is good but maybe an ATIS / approach wizard with simple boxes based on info known about destination airfield. We'd know runways, circuit dir, wind dir,vrps, info version (alpha, bravo), join (overhead, downwind), base, straight in). Might also be possible to calibrate QFE and based on airfield info, estimate pressure making it easy to enter. This could info could be added over the approach info. - Radio filters selectable - even if its just to highlight which ones will be used so they're more prominet. - An overlay of lars coverage. - Ability to click some land feature and say, 'distance from'. Sometimes the location reports use features which arent ideal based on local knowledge. Maybe even the ability to select preferable distance from points.
By T67M - 12/1/2012 10:33:09 AM
Other small feature requests...
* Muting of airspace alarms while on the ground - taxiing around Redhill from the hangars to Runway 25/07 results in about six spurious warnings about Gatwick's airspace - how about muting airspace warnings when travelling below 20 knots or below 100' AGL? * Option for a slightly larger compass rose - I find the "desired track" text on the SkyDemon MD just a smidge too small to read comfortably in thin lined magenta-on-black text * Option for two rows of data boxes, including things like desired track, track made good, ground speed, and simultaneous display of ETA/ETA next/dest * On the PC, a display of any frontal systems alongside the new VFR/MVFR/IFR blobs (or a quick link to the form 215 for the time of flight) |