By AnglianAV8R - 3/5/2012 4:37:42 PM
The position on the chart is incorrect, despite Lat&Long being in agreement with their website
The SD chart and the above website locate the airfield at N525352 E011908.
I landed there last week and my SD flight log indicates the airfield to be nearer N525337 E011915, which is three fields south of the charted location.
Happily, I managed to land in the correct location :-)
I have taken a look at Google Earth and confirmed my findings by placing the cursor midway down the alignment of the longest runway.
By Rob Hart - 3/6/2012 3:49:57 PM
Indeed. I checked this out and I think I see the source of the error. I tried to get hold of Kevin Smith to verify, but using google maps I can see the correct position. It will be changed. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!