By mikeg - 2/16/2012 10:09:43 PM
Hi All, now that we we have the fab I Pad version, i am looking at getting a iphone 4s so i can tether the internet connection with the Ipad.
does anyone have any views on the best service provider? im thinking of using 3 at the moment.
thanks in advance
By Huntwing - 6/30/2012 9:25:21 AM
Have used 3 mobile very successfully for about a year, and more recently have been flying with iPad tethered to it. I have the 3G iPad, for gps, but have not bothered to install 3G card because it works fine tethered to my iPhone ( using personal hotspot and wifi connection). Great to get me METARS and TAFS come in as you are flying and now to be able to divert and pull up plates.