SkyDemon Forums

SkyDemon mobile in a tight, bright cockpit

By Rob P - 11/25/2011 2:01:33 PM

My Van's RV4 actually has a Garmin 296 mounted quite low down which is usable. But once you have run SkyDemon there is no going back.

I was looking for a way to install SkyDemon in the very tight cockpit under the full bubble canopy

Now my phone runs the program very happily, it got me, my pilot and a PA28 to San Sebastian and back with virtually no other nav input. But this was plugged into the lighter socket.

After a little deliberation I came up with a possible solution - requiring the components below

One of Aeroist's natty little wristboards, a double capacity battery for the HD2 and a Power Monkey.

The double capacity battery is supplied with a 'bulged' back for the phone. This I have fixed to the wristboard with some sticky fixers. It stays there permanently.

When I want to go flying, I fit the phone with its double-capacity battery, clip it onto the back, and give it a final charge on the way to the aerodrome.

Settled in the cockpit I attach the Power Monkey and switch it on, slip it up inside my sleeve and strap the board over it and onto my wrist as shown.

It's the perfect solution as you can move your arm easily to a position where it is readable whatever the light conditions in the cockpit. Is simple to operate since the RV flies very nicely hands-off if necessary (or knees-on if it's a little bumpy)

I haven't tested the limits of the battery / Monkey combination yet, but it shows every sign of being a lot longer than the four hour tank range of the RV

Even if not, I could always charge my second Power Monkey from the aircraft's socket as we travel.

Just thought I'd like to share this Smile

Rob P

I have since been told that the HTC HD2 running Windows Mobile 6.5 is no longer available new, but can be bought second hand in all the usual auction sites.
By Rob P - 2/10/2012 2:40:30 PM

In practice I have found that the short, stiff lead of the Powermonkey strains the connection with the mini-USB port on the phone.

But, it is possible to buy 1ft and 3ft USB to (Right Angle) Mini-USB leads from Amazon. These are much thinner cable.

Change the Monkey Nut on the end of the PowerMonkey to a female USB (supplied with the Monkey) plug in one of the longer right-angle leads and there is no longer any strain on that mini-USB port.
