SkyDemon Forums

Running Inflight with FSX?

By JohanSvanberg - 2/20/2010 11:00:16 AM

Hi All!

Anyone knows if it's possible to run Inflight connected to the computer and get gps data from FSX?



By TheDaniel - 2/2/2014 7:29:58 PM

col-lucy (30/08/2011)
Hi all,Yes, I am pretty certain the problem is with the Virtual Serial port setup. The port numbers sound wrong. Fsx2NMEA is connected to a TCP socket, but the data must be getting lost at the serial port. I have put a document on my Skydrive with screenshots that show all the serial port settings of Fsx2NMEA, HW Virtual Serial Port & Skydemon Plan. If necessary, delete your serial port config & set up again.

Hope that works.

Hi, would it be possible to make that file available again? Skydrive tells me its gone (and it's been a while since that post)