SkyDemon Forums

Lap top GPS conection

By alcorn56 - 9/23/2011 5:43:36 PM


I am training for my PPL and have download the trial software for my lap top. everything works brilliant apart from the start GPS.

I have connected my external blue tooth GPS (activepilot) to com 3 on win 7. Mt computer recognizes it instantly on start upand reports no errors ,the GPS picks up the satellites instantly and goes green .

I have started SkDemon software and went to set up/GPs options ,But it always has a box or what looks like a little Chinese letter next to the com no ie 3,6,8 option box? ie it never says ,just com 3 or com 6 on its own it has a little letter after the number . . anyway once I have chosen com3 with the little letter next to it, i leave setup and click start GPS,after accepting the trial notification box it always through s up an error box saying ,there is an error trying to open the GPS device,The port Com 3? does not exist? it always puts a? after the port ie 3?
By alcorn56 - 9/25/2011 4:16:57 PM

Yes its a great peice of kit once you get to understand what is what ,and I as a currently taking my PPL find it good for learning practically what this like Notam ,ATZ MATz,and Metar's actually do by planning routes etc,it makes it a lot more clearer than reading a book.Wink.

It will be one of the first bits of kit i will buy to add to my Tablet ,just wish there was a android version out of it,but saying that I think the windows tablet is becoming more popular and there one or 2 dual boot versions currently hitting the market so mayble it will run on them. Smile