SkyDemon Forums

View Plate - characters not fully displayed in the "Position", the "Elevation" and the VOR frequency and distance fields

By Guido Peterzelka - 9/21/2011 10:15:57 PM

Dear Tim,

I just installed SkyDemon Version, and (as was already the case in the previous release) there are following data fields defined too narrowly:

In the Position field/box, on the second page of the View Plate display, I see the distance in NM from the closest bigger landmark e.g. a city. (b.t.w., NM is indicated as "nm" which is a bit unusual; prefer NM in capital letters)

Underneath, the longitude and latitude.

Below that, there are two dots (under the "N" and under the first digit of the seconds) which let me to believe that there is a third row in that box, but the box seems to be too small and the data of the potential third row is not displayed.

Similarly, in the field/box underneath, the n of "Elevation" is slightly cut off on the right side.

Similarly, in the three fields/boxes to the right, I see the three character identifier of the VOR, but if the letters are e.g. NTM, then the M is slightly cut off on the right side (not the case if the letters are e.g. LUX or DIK). As well the third digit of the VOR frequency, as well as the third digit of the distance from that VOR, e.g. if decimal indication, e.g. 1.9 - in these cases the number is cut off on the right side.

There is also a slight gap between the right side of the outer line of all fields/boxes on that page, and the left edge of the buttons "Back", "Pg Up" and "Pg Dn". I believe you could easily redesign the graphic layout of that page to eliminate that gap, and give this space to the actual data fields where the rightmost character, respectively digits, are slightly cut off.

I understand this is all small cosmetics, but should contribute to bring your product even closer to perfect.

Best regards,

By Alexey - 9/29/2011 4:13:07 PM

Thanks, Tim.

This is also good solution.