SkyDemon Forums

GPS / SafeSky / Sky Demon interconnectivity

By nufmuff - 6/28/2024 9:42:01 PM

Just wondering how best to connect the Safe Sky App with Sky Demon.

I would appear to need to connect Safe Sky to SD using the GDL90 option.

If I also use an external Bluetooth GPS (e.g Garmin Glo) to take advantage of the improved GPS receiver with SD, I need to “go flying” with “use location services”. The Bluetooth GPS won’t connect with SD using the GDL90 protocol.

If run the SafeSky App as well as SD and “go flying” with GDL90 I see the SS traffic on SD and a GPS position. That GPS position coming from the devices GPS receivers presumably via SS?

If I then add to the above my Bluetooth Garmin Glo I should also be getting an improved GPS position from the Glo on SD but via SS. Is this correct? This means I’m reliant on SS for my GPS position In SD?

If I use my SkyEcho2 with SD and “Go Flying” with GDL90 I get a GPS position from the Echo unit regardless of SS’s status. If I activate SS and take off with SS passing traffic and SkyEcho2 data to SD the aircraft position on SD looks like it’s tussling with itself ; constantly moving from one position to another. As if it’s oscillating between the Echo’s GPS data and the internal GPS data from the device?

How do I get a single accurate GPS position to SD (best way I’ve ever found to do this is Garmin Glo on the glare shield, great view of the sky, bluetoothed to device - never drops out / infinitely more reliable that SkyEcho2). And add the SS traffic on top - no GPS position from SS.
By Anterialis - 7/17/2024 10:18:21 AM

nufmuff - 7/16/2024 9:03:14 AM
I have asked the “where does SS get its GPS data from” question on the SafeSky forum and as of yet don’t have a clear answer from the developers.  I was just directed to the manual which doesn’t help !  

What I’ve ended up doing is using SD on iPad with my Glo as its own entity ; i know this is reliable.  And then using split screen on that iPad, running SS with my Sky Echo 2 connected but not connected to SD.  This seems to give the best traffic display (as in the most traffic and the most accurate traffic display - SkyEcho2 on it’s own seems very hit and miss as far as seeing traffic is concerned).  You can easily move the split in the screen left and right and even remove it by swiping.  Doesn’t seem to impinge to heavily on battery consumption.  No crashing or anything ……..

Just because it’s in the cockpit with you I also repeat that setup with my iPhone and another external Bluetooth GPS / SS etc.  Good backup if anything goes amiss although you have to look at one app or the other on a phone.  And you need to make sure you tell your devices to ignore one of the Bluetooth GPS receivers.  

Interestingly, when I spoke to Garmin Tech Support some years ago about the original Glo unit, the guy said it has the same chip in it as the 6 and 750 units.  You just have to make sure it’s looking up at the sky ie flat on the dash.  If you sucker it to the window so you can see the LED’S, the reception is reduced.  

Thank you for the reply!