SkyDemon Forums

Automatic closing of flight plan or reminder

By ArnaudC - 5/22/2024 9:05:32 AM

I'm not a big fan of automatically closing the flightplan, because SD would need to be able to differentiate between a landing, a good landing and an excellent landing.

However, a possible workaround could be via alarms.
Today we have alarms that start ticking from take-off. I've had a 30' reminder to switch tanks since forever.
Maybe having a different set of alarms "post-flight" or after on-block like closing the flight plan, writing down the tacho time, starting the heater/dryer, locking the hangar, etc... could be useful?
By rv8ch - 5/13/2024 10:27:11 AM

I briefly discussed this with Rob at Aero, but thought I'd put it here as well in case I'm missing something.

What would be great would be to have SD automatically close FPLs after landing, or at least a popup reminder like the red airspace or obstacle warning.

This might avoid some SAR activity, or at least avoid nastygrams from the SAR guys when I forget to close my FPL or do so a bit later than I should have.

Another cool feature would be to allow entry of a popup at a certain place in the flight with free text.  For example, a reminder to do something at a certain point in the flight, or to take care at a specific point, or to add an impromptu reporting point assigned by ATC.
