SkyDemon Forums

Get Lat/Long for Waypoint

By BS - 4/11/2024 10:19:10 AM

I want to extract the lat/long for route waypoints so I can put them into Garmin GNS 430. Am I missing a method to get a lat/long?  If I put a waypoint at some random point then the lay/long is shown in the properties but if waypoint snaps to a town it just shows the name when you ask for its properties.
By BS - 4/12/2024 7:26:07 PM

Hannah@SkyDemon - 4/12/2024 1:52:20 PM
If you're looking for the coordinates for the waypoints in your planned route, the simplest option is to turn on the 'Show Position' column in the PLOG, which will give you a column containing all of the lat/longs.

Excellent, good point!