SkyDemon Forums

South France, Hyeres, new VRP, new suggested route

By pseudonym - 6/12/2023 4:13:06 PM

Since 23 march 23, new reporting points have been established and as a consquence, a new expected route to go from Marseille to Cannes and vice versa. The new route is ET - PC - CT - PT - WT. Of these, PC and CT are not displayed by Skydemon, thsu the route cannot be flown as expected by the sectorial FIS. The data can be found here: SUP AIP AIRAC 015/23
By pseudonym - 6/13/2023 5:15:55 PM

Tim Dawson - 6/13/2023 8:27:55 AM
It may take the SIA a while to incorporate these new VRPs into the digital data we license for SkyDemon. In the meantime, it should be pretty easy to copy the coordinates from that SUP and create a couple of user waypoints with those identifiers. Will this work, as a workaround?

Foremost, I made a mistake: the route should read ET-BT-CT-PT-WT and BT and CT are the points missing in the SD database. Sure, it is easy to create the two missing points as user waypoints. That's what I did just before start eyeballing at the SIA chart on an instuctor's phone. But you only do this if you know about the points. However, a clueless pilot doesn't know what he is missing and is probably inadverently touching/violating the CTA of Hyères. I fully understand your policy. But as this is the nicer of two routes Marseilles<->Cannes, I expect this to be a frequented one this summer. Maybe you could just include a link to the SIA file in the next chart update cycle/program change log to alert pilots.