SkyDemon Forums

Please Help!! How do I keep 'BitchinBetty' quiet after updates?

By tnowak - 8/18/2023 11:54:24 AM

Boeingboy - 8/17/2023 8:05:46 AM
Sorry to bounce this back up but I still have the original problem and just can't find what the trigger action is that's reinstating the voice warning when it's been previously disabled. Over the last month I've updated maps and data, installed the latest SD version and updated the Android software of my Samsung tablet so it has to be one of the those. 

Sadly having forgotten to check if voices were disabled I headed out yesterday and by the time I'd got to 500' had received eight warnings about airspace above and ahead along with notification of a chimney! ATC calls were blocked out by the incessant nagging but going heads down to switch 'Betty' off was not a safe option. 

I'll keep trying to isolate the issue but it really is proving evasive. However, certainly at my home base it's also proving a safety issue. 

I have my smartphone's audio output hardwired to my Trig radio.
I had the bitching betty issue so resorted to wiring in an "SD AUDIO" ON/OFF toggle swiitch to solve that problem.
I then found that my Trig radio had an EXT AUDIO "mute" setting that muted ext audio whenever aa RT call was in progress. That works a treat.
I note that you are using BT, so that option may not work for you.
In my opinion SD audio alerts are very important, so you probably don't want to turn them off permanently. 
By Boeingboy - 8/21/2023 4:06:40 PM

Okay! Found it. It's the log in/log out process. Happens on both Android and Apple. If you log out with the voice/sound boxes unticked and then log back in again they are reactivated. If you simply switch off the tablet and restart the app the preference is retained and they're still off. Whether this is also allied to an App update I'm not sure as each time I log in I'm reminded that SD has updated to the latest version. 

Is it going to be possible to retain these in personal settings when the logging in/out process is used? 
By Tim Dawson - 8/22/2023 10:10:11 AM

When you log in, we look to see if you have saved your settings in the cloud. If we find them, we apply them, assuming you want this new device to be set up to your preferences.

It sounds like you simply need to save your settings to the cloud (as you have done before) after making whatever changes you wish to make to the voice output, and then this issue will go away.
By Boeingboy - 8/23/2023 7:10:37 AM

Thanks Tim. I'll do that. 
By Boeingboy - 5/9/2023 5:08:31 PM

Like many users I have English (UK) x-gba-local selected for warnings. Everything works fine and I get warnings for both navigation and traffic when using SkyEcho (+FLARM). These are bluetoothed through to my headset. 

However at my base of Hawarden we have Padeswood Cement factory a few miles South East and if the 'Produce Speech for Warnings' is selected the whole take off and climb out on Rwy 22 is peppered every few seconds with warnings for the proximity of the chimney and then with warnings for the Pepze CTA at 3000' above. Obviously this is fine if you want those activated. Sadly, with a busy ATC environment they can also be very distracting. 

The problem seems to be that every time I disable the voice in 'Setup/Navigation Options/Produce Sounds for Warnings' she's back the next time I go flying! I can only presume that it's a software anomaly associated with map or document updates as I don't use SD on my Android tablet when away from the aircraft. 

Am I missing something or will I have to remember to deactivate the voice every time I update the tablet?