SkyDemon Forums

North Italy chart

By rbram - 6/30/2011 4:30:47 PM

Hello all.

very nice planning program, probably I will buy it.

Just a problem ( I am talking about north Italy) some important roads are missed (just to compare to ENR 3-3 of Enav), for example i cannot find the national road SS36 that is an important road from Milano to Lecco where vfr pilots like to put wayponts between this road and railway, or on bridges etc.

Just a doubt do I make something wrong or these road is actual missed ?

thanks and my compliment

By Tim Dawson - 7/8/2011 12:05:25 PM

Dear Renzo,

There is a good chance that those roads are actually missing. Our road data is designed mainly as background scenery and is not up-to-date (outside the UK). We may update our road data in the future but at the moment it is a low priority for us as we concentrate on the Aeronautical data.