SkyDemon Forums

Obstacle madness O.o

By Markus117 - 8/13/2021 6:12:02 AM

I really like using my stratux.
I think everyone feels better when they know where other planes are in the air.
I like to meet other pilots, but please not unexpectedly from the left or right when I fly.... Smile
I would like to be able to separate the obstacle warnings and the aircraft warnings better in the settings. Or turn off the obstacle warnings.
I am shown millions of windmills that I get over several minutes in a row when I fly over the Eggegebirge. But I would also like to know well in advance if somewhere on my flight path are other aircraft. Just for safety. I can now only set obstacles and aircraft the same distance.

Greetings Markus

1.000.000 warning signals in this area over several minutes

By BJS - 8/19/2021 5:58:15 AM

These obstacle warnings will become much more prominent in the next future and yes, they are a problem for our anti-collision systems flying VFR. Wind mills are increasingly using anti-collision 1090/1030MHz and 868MHz(FLARM) transmitter to announce their position electronically - for aircraft and especially in preparation to the large drone cloud expected. There already is an initiative of authorities and private companies to further look into it. For a current German discussion see i.e. Pilotundflugzeug magazine 2021-05 page 26ff and check for the technology coming.