Hi everyoneVery new user to SD, flying a trike in Poland. The product is generally fantastic, well done SkyDemon

A lot of my routes are "A to B to A" (without landing at B). When I plan the route I leave a little bit of space between the outbound and return routes, but not much (less than 1km) because essentially I want to fly there and back on the same route. The problem is that since I don't stick exactly to the route, SD often thinks I am on the return leg when I am still on the outbound, or vice versa. This is probably compounded by occasional GPS drops from my iPad 2. When this happens, of course the flight plan (ETAs etc.) are all wrong, the map turns upside down (I use 'track up' view). This rights itself quickly enough, but I was wondering if there is a way for SD to 'know better' the leg I am on. Probably wishful thinking, would appreciate others' experiences and suggestions...