SkyDemon Forums

Skydemon UK Roadshow?

By col-lucy - 4/20/2021 1:35:18 PM

Hi there,

I wonder if you were planning another series of talks at UK airfields? It would be great to hear more about ADS-B / UAT / FIS-B and other developments. 


By Rob Hart - 4/21/2021 9:58:25 AM

col-lucy - 4/20/2021 1:35:18 PM
Hi there,

I wonder if you were planning another series of talks at UK airfields? It would be great to hear more about ADS-B / UAT / FIS-B and other developments. 



Hi Colin, 

As you can probably imagine, COVID has put the kibosh on my presentations. I'm definitely willing to consider taking bookings for them again, though so far the general uncertainty and travel/accommodation restrictions will make planning tricky.
I have been asked if I can do my presentations over Zoom or similar, but to be completely frank I have resisted that since my public speaking skills are highly contingent on having a physical audience, and I don't have the tech setup to support doing them properly either. 
Feel free to get in touch at if you would like to discuss this further in any case.

Rob | SkyDemon