SkyDemon Forums

SD on windows hangs when away while reading documentation / planning

By chrisn - 4/3/2021 1:06:19 PM


Using Skydemon on windows, I'm reading some documents. So I click on the documents, the popup window opens, and I slowly go through the various docs I want to read. A few times, skydemon was 'hanging' when I came back to the document browser. Whatever I do, windows beeps at me as the window is not active.

I think what happens is that skydemon tried to open the 'are you still there?' popup, that failed (at least I don't see it), but the document window, and the main skydemon window both refuse all input (my guess: because the AYT-popup took the input away) . alt-f4 is also not working.

When I open the taskmanager to stop SD, and restart, everything is back to normal.

By Tim Dawson - 8/17/2022 9:16:53 AM

You may not care, but we care. We have alternative licenses available if you wish your SkyDemon to remain open as a permanent briefing facility, but that's not how regular SkyDemon is designed to be used (permanently connected).