SkyDemon Forums

Loading Envelope

By Martin Bech - 2/19/2021 6:43:46 PM

Where is the Loading Envelope and where do I enter passenger information?
By - 4/5/2021 6:53:53 AM

Gerhard66 - 2/21/2021 5:23:45 PM
Martin Bech - 2/20/2021 5:54:45 PM
Gerhard66 - 2/19/2021 7:10:56 PM
Martin Bech - 2/19/2021 6:43:46 PM
Where is the Loading Envelope and where do I enter passenger information?

Tap on Weight! 😉

As simple as tht - thanks 

The SD user interface isn’t consistent in some points. 
In this menue card, there are three obviously editable items (indicated by a small arrow symbol) und some other items, that are obviously not editable. 

All blue texts can be clicked on and bring up the relevant windows.